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Answered By: Meghan Dolan
Last Updated: May 14, 2024     Views: 10188

Industry overviews

Where can I find an overview or analysis of an industry?



1. Industry Reports:

  • IBISWorld: covers a wide range of industries in the US, China, the UK and Australia.
  • Technavio: Reports on a variety of global industries including technology, healthcare, retail, energy, aerospace, and automotive. 
  • Passport: covers over 350 markets in 207 countries, mostly consumer-related.
  • Bloomberg: Type BI and hit GO for Bloomberg Industries providing overviews and analysis. Find a list of industries covered on the left.
  • S&P NetAdvantage: useful for industries dominated by public companies.  Most reports are US-focused, although there are a few global reports.  You can also access the archive of industry reports going back to the late 1990s.
  • eMarketer: a good source of statistics on digital-focused industries.
  • First Research industry profiles include key issues for executives and can be found in ABI/Proquest, and  LSEG Workspace.
  • LSEG Workspace: in addition to company reports, Workspace includes industry reports by providers (and investment analysts), including MarketLine, GlobalData, etc. See our Fast Answer on how to find industry analyst reports in Workspace. For a multimedia learning module on LSEG Workspace check out our Learn with Baker Library LSEG Workspace Introduction.

2. Baker Library Research Guides: cover several industries, including Venture Capital & Private Equity, Health Care, Biotechnology, and Retail.

3. Books and journals:  Find industry-specific books and journals at Harvard using the HOLLIS catalog.


Video of Finding Industry Information:

Link to Finding Industry Information video