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Answered By: Poping Lin
Last Updated: May 15, 2024     Views: 1832

Managing Service Operations: Research resources for new service design

Where can I begin begin my research for the new service design exercise?


The following are highly selected resources for MSO New Service Design exercise.

Please contact Baker Library Service Desk for your project specific research assistance. Please indicate that your question is about MSO coursework. That helps our information research staff to understand the context of your question.

Research topics Suggested Resources

Capital IQ
Profiles and data on public, private companies and investment firms such as company financials, capital transactions, etc. Provides sophisticated retrieval and personalization tools to create numerous reports. Note: Follow the instruction on the page to set up individual account. For a multimedia learning module on Capital IQ check out our Learn with Baker Library Capital IQ Introduction.

A comprehensive platform used to analyze financial data from global equity and fixed income markets, and public and private companies. Individual accounts needed. Note: Follow the access instruction on the page before accessing.

LSEG Workspace
Company Overview page contains financials, ownership profiles, events, and analyst reports. For a multimedia learning module on LSEG Workspace check out our Learn with Baker Library LSEG Workspace Introduction.

Industry / Market Analysis

BCC Research
It provides market reports on major economic, scientific, and technological developments in industrial, food and beverage, semiconductor, and high technology.

Market research reports about various consumer products and industries worldwide from Euromonitor International. Includes economic indicators, demographic data, foreign trade statistics, consumer lifestyles, and strategy briefings. 

Reports on a variety of global industries including technology, healthcare, retail, energy, aerospace, consumer goods and automotive.

See also LSEG Workspace(listed above) for industry analyst reports.

Service Models / Business Strategy

Articles from major newspapers, academic management and general industry/business journals. Covers all business and management topics including service models and strategies.

News / Latest development

Good source for company and industry news.

Business Insider
Provides proprietary news on companies, largely in the tech and finance space. Note: Follow the instruction on the page to set up individual account.

Notes: Baker Library has much more resources on company and industry/market analysis, as well as topics in areas of consumer behavior and business/management. Contact infoservices@hbs.edu and ask for project specific research support.