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Answered By: Kathryn FitzGerald
Last Updated: May 09, 2024     Views: 2696

Workplace Diversity: Data Sources

Where can I find data on diversity in the workplace and labor markets?


Resource Type



US. Government Agencies

US Equal Opportunity Commission

“Job Patterns For Minorities And Women In Private Industry” breaks out diversity data by industry (and within industry by type of role).


US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Labor force statistics by a series of demographic points (including age, sex, race, disability, etc.)  are available via the Current Population Survey.

International Agencies

World Bank

The World Bank’s Gender Equality database provides regional and country specific data related to gender, including labor statistics.  More in depth data is available via the Databank here.


OECD iLibrary

Includes socio-economic data, including country-specific employment and labor data by gender. The most recent Factbook has data specific to Gender Equality.

Associations & Organizations AllRaise.org An organization supporting non-binary and women founders and funders in the technology space. They create an annual report tracking diversity in venture capital and as founders in technology firms.  



Non-profit organization “with a mission to expand opportunities for women and business.” They provide research and data on women and diversity in the workplace both in the US and internationally. By the Numbers gives snapshot views on a variety of topics. 


Conference Board

Provides reports and research on a variety of management topics, including diversity in the workplace.  To find the most recent reports, go to “Human Capital”, then select “Diversity and Inclusion” from the topic menu.


Pew Research Center

Nonpartisan fact tank that conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis, and other empirical social science research. Includes polling on work and employment, mostly focused on issues relating to women and minorities. 

Company Information


In Library Only.  Access Environmental, Social and Governance  (ESG) data via the Bloomberg terminal in the Stamps Reading Room.  Information is available for public companies only, but includes % of minority and women employees and managers.  Command:  FA ESG <Go>


Company Rankings

This Fast Answer  includes links to the Working Mother, National Association of Female Executives, and Diversity Inc. rankings.

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