Our FAQs have moved!

As of August 7, 2024, Baker Library's FAQs have moved to https://www.library.hbs.edu/services/help-center.  Please visit Baker's Help Center to find our research FAQs and send us your questions.  Thank you!

Answered By: Farha Hasan
Last Updated: May 09, 2024     Views: 2244

Date Parameters in SDC
What are the date parameter limitations when searching in SDC?


There is a one-month delay in the data provided from our SDC subscription.

That is, both beginning and ending dates must be at least one month before the current date.

Please remember this when specifying your date criteria in a search or the search will not work.

No information from the past month will be included in your search.

If today is 12/07/02 and you want to search for year-to-date data, you need to submit the search parameters as follows: 1/01/2002 to 11/07/2002.