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Answered By: Kathryn FitzGerald
Last Updated: May 13, 2024     Views: 656

Climate change: facts and figures

How do I find scientific facts, statistics, and studies on climate change?

  • Country statistical yearbooks often provide statistical information of climate and nature resources. Search HOLLIS using the keyword “statistical yearbook” and combine with other keywords such as Brazil, China, or India.
  • Climate.gov by NOAA provides studies and datasets.
  • GeoRef provided by the American Geological Institute.  This database contains references to geo-science journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports, and theses from US and Canadian universities. Major coverage includes economic geology, engineering geology, environmental geology, geochemistry, geochronology, geophysics, hydrogeology and hydrology, marine geology and oceanography, petrology, structural geology, and more.
  • WIREs Climate Change is an interdisciplinary ejournal with good review articles on the subject.

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