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Answered By: Farha Hasan
Last Updated: May 14, 2024     Views: 4029

Nielsen data: access?

Does HBS have access to Nielsen data?


HBS does not subscribe to Nielsen data directly. However Nielsen data may be incorporated into other subscription databases. 

MBAs and Harvard students:
You may wish to check the eMarketerStatista, and analyst reports in LSEG Workspace; these resources sometimes include Nielsen data in their reports.

HBS faculty and doctoral students: 
Harvard does license Nielsen data through The Kilts Center for Marketing at Chicago Booth.  However, the terms are quite restrictive: access to the data is available only to HBS faculty and PhD students under the supervision of a faculty member.  In addition, only certain Nielsen data sets are included: consumer panel, retail scanner, and ad intel data. Contact data-licensing@hbs.edu if you are an HBS faculty member or doctoral student interested in using this resource.