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Answered By: Farha Hasan
Last Updated: May 10, 2024     Views: 3240

Subsidiaries in another country

How can I find subsidiaries of companies headquartered in a different country, for example, Chinese subsidiaries of UK based companies?


Subsidiaries of companies can be found using the following databases:


  1. Select Location and World/Region/Country.
  2. Choose your country.
  3. Click on ownership data and select Ultimate Owner and Subsidiaries (by profile).
  4. Choose the country or region of the subsidiaries  and click on OK.
  5. Click on View list of results
  6. You can add columns or change the list format.

Capital IQ:

  1. Mouse over Screening & Analytics, Screening and click on Companies
  2. Under Company Details click on Geographic Locations
  3. Search for "United Kingdom" and click on selection. Make sure the box for "Headquarters only" is checked.
  4. Click on Add Criteria
  5. Scroll up and click again on Geographic Locations and select "China". Make sure the boxes for "United Kingdom" and "Headquarters only" are NOT checked. Click on Add Criteria.
  6. View results.