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Answered By: Mallory Stark
Last Updated: May 14, 2024     Views: 20685

PE & VC investors by investment criteria (industry, stage and geography)

How can I screen for private equity or venture capital firms investing in a particular industry, stage of investment, and/or geography?



LSEG Workspace

  1. Click on the Search Tools tab and select Private Equity/VC.
  2. Choose a Deal Type and Investment Date from the left hand menu.
  3. Under the Quick Filters section, add more criteria as desired. You can search for more filters to add in the Add Filters text box, or click on the menu icon to the right of the text box to browse all criteria.
  4. The list of results will automatically appear on the right side of the screen.

CB Insights

  1. Select "Advanced Search," from the left side bar.
  2. Then select Investor-Acquirer
  3. Then select desired filters by opening (using the arrow) the filter categories including: Company AttributesInvestor Info, or Financing & Exit

In Preqin 

  1. Click Search For from the top menu and select Fund Manager.
  2. Under Asset Class, select Private Equity.
  3. Under Strategy, select Venture Capital.  (Or click any other desired strategy within Private Equity).
  4. Select any geographies under Location.
  5. Click More Filters to add any additional criteria, such as Sector.  Useful filters in Preqin include estimated dry powder, total amount raised.
  6. Before exporting, click Manage Columns to customize what data you would like to include in your excel file.
  7. Click Export.


  1. Go to Investors on the left side bar.
  2. From Investors and Buyers page, select desired filters within category filters
  3. From Investor Types, choose from options including Angels/Incubator, Venture Capital, Private Equity, etc.
  4. From Investor Location page choose, desired location.
  5. From Deal Types, choose desired type Venture Capital and/or Private Equity
  6. From Deal Industry, choose industry & verticals.
  7. After adding all your criteria, hit search.

Capital IQ

  1. Mouse over Screening then in the section for Targeting click Find Buyers or Investors.
  2. Screen for investors that operate or have investments by industry, stage (from incubation to mature, including buyouts, re-capitalization, turnaround and PIPES), size of investment, and geography.
  3. Select each desired item for the search by clicking Add to Criteria List then click Run Search.
  4. View result, add desired display columns, and download to Excel.


  1. Click the magnifying glass and type Idea Screening. Select Idea Screening from the list.
  2. Under Mergers & Acquisitions select Private Equity.
  3. Create reports using criteria on left hand side. Double-click to add to screening area.
  4. Report can be exported to excel and screening saved.

SDC Platinum contains a longer history of investments than other databases.