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Answered By: Mallory Stark
Last Updated: May 13, 2024     Views: 7177

Companies: strategy

Where can I find information on a company's strategy?



  • Tegus includes transcripts of conversations between buy-side investors and industry experts.


  • In Factiva try the following search strategy:

    strateg* and wc>500 and atleast10 company name
    (e.g., strateg* and wc>500 and atleast10 amazon)

    Adjust the search with different word counts (wc>n) or mentions of the company name (atleastn) to expand or restrict results.
  • In Business Source Complete search strategic planning in the SU field, and the company name in the CO field. To broaden results, search only on the company name or use the term strateg* without specifying a field. Experiment with other terms (e.g., interviews, new products).