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Answered By: Leigh Lehmann
Last Updated: May 08, 2024     Views: 25644

Bloomberg: tickers
How do I type tickers in Bloomberg?

  • Examples:
    • MSFT US [EQUITY] for Microsoft Corp. stock
    • VOD LN [EQUITY] for Vodafone stock
    • GSK 5.375 04/15/34 [CORP] for GlaxsoSmithKline bond
  • Bloomberg tickers include the following:
    • ticker (e.g., MSFT for Microsoft Corp.)
    • database (appropriate yellow key, e.g., [EQUITY] for stocks)
    • exchange (e.g., LN for London)
    • dates (e.g., bond maturity; mm/dd/yy)

To find a company ticker:

Type company name, then hit HELP

Select #2 (Companies) and then choose desired company from list.

Type RELS, then hit GO for the Related Securities screen.  On the page that appears, choose options listed under Equity Securities for equity or under Debt Securities for debt.

Or, hit appropriate yellow key, type TK, then hit GO; e.g., 

[EQUITY] TK [GO] (then type vodaphone equity)