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Answered By: Leigh Lehmann
Last Updated: May 08, 2024     Views: 10370

Bloomberg: mutual funds
How do I screen for or find performance and rankings of mutual funds in Bloomberg?


To create a Fund Performance Chart that compares returns of funds across various time periods type FPC and hit GO.

  1. Use the filters to create a list of funds meeting your specifications. For example, next to Issuer type in Vanguard Funds/USA.
  2. Click on a fund name to get more information.
  3. Use the 97) Actions drop down to export to Excel.

To use the Fund Screening for funds based on specific search criteria type FSRC and hit GO.

  1. Use the Universe Criteria to search by criteria such as family name, total assets, age, return, or objectives.
  2. Example Screens for widely-used criteria are also available.
  3. Click on Results (bottom right of screen) to run your search. A list of matching funds will appear.
  4. If using Bloomberg Professional, to download this list to Excel click on Output Results To and select Excel Spreadsheet.

For help on portfolio and stock analysis, in Bloomberg type DOCS2010836 and hit GO to locate Bloomberg Cheatsheet for Equity Portfolio Manager.