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Answered By: Leigh Lehmann
Last Updated: May 16, 2024     Views: 41738

Bloomberg: copying tables to Excel
How do I copy data from Bloomberg and paste to Excel?


Copying from Bloomberg

  1. Move the cursor to one corner of the area to copy.
  2. Highlight the area to be copied. Be sure to include column headings.
    A dotted line may or may not appear around the highlighted area.
  3. Hit Ctrl-C to copy highlighted area.
    (Not all screens can be copied. As an alternative, try typing GRAB then hit GO to e-mail a screen image.)

Pasting into Excel

  1. In an empty worksheet, hit Ctrl-V to paste. Each row of information from Bloomberg will be pasted into a single cell of the spreadsheet.
  2. Highlight the first column of the pasted data.
  3. In Excel, from the Data menu select Text to columns
  4. In the wizard that opens, indicate data are in fixed-width format then click on Next.
  5. If necessary, specify locations of column dividers then click on Next.
  6. Select data type General (recommend format) then click on Next.


    It usually is not necessary to specify the data type for each column. Make additional changes if desired. Text data is interpreted as text, whether text or numbers. A Date can be translated into its internal Excel date format. Do not import column indicates a column should be ignored (not recommended.)