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As of August 7, 2024, Baker Library's FAQs have moved to https://www.library.hbs.edu/services/help-center.  Please visit Baker's Help Center to find our research FAQs and send us your questions.  Thank you!

Answered By: Leigh Lehmann
Last Updated: May 16, 2024     Views: 115554

Bloomberg: Excel Add-In
How can I get information on using the Bloomberg Excel Add-In?


Log in to Bloomberg and open Excel.

  • Click on the Bloomberg tab along the top of the workbook.
  • Use the Spreadsheet Builder to easily pull data into Excel. The most commonly used template is the Historical Data Table where you will add your securities, whatever data fields you wish to import, and a date range.
  • You can also use the Function Builder to pull in data. The most commonly used function is BDH which pulls in historical data for a selected security. 

Type XLTP <GO> in the Bloomberg terminal to go to the Excel template library where you will find a large selection of templates with detailed descriptions and instructions for use.