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Answered By: Leigh Lehmann
Last Updated: May 08, 2024     Views: 8697

Bloomberg: comparative returns
How can I get comparative returns in Bloomberg?


To compare returns of up to six securities or indices type COMP and hit GO.

  • In amber fields type in the full tickers (including appropriate yellow key) for specific securities or indices. E.g., for Lyft type LYFT US [EQUITY].
  • Use amber fields for Range and Period to specify a date range and frequency.


To compare returns of a security to its benchmark index and industry group (if available) first specify the security's ticker using the appropriate yellow key.

  • E.g., to compare Microsoft Corp with the S&P 500 and S&P 500 Info Tech, type MSFT <EQUITY>] COMP [GO].

If you don't know the tickers of the securities you want just start typing the company name and a menu will come up.

If you want to see the data rather than the graph, click on Table (in grey above the list of securities).