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Answered By: Emilie Codega
Last Updated: May 09, 2024     Views: 628

Pension and retirement funds

Where can I find information on pension plans and retirement funds?



To find out more on individual pension funds or create a list

Pensions & Investments Research Center: Screen by asset owner or money manager, or look up specific funds or managers.  Also includes legal & regulatory developments, M&A history, and a people search function.

Capital IQ: Go to Screening -->Companies and under Investment Firm Type select Corporate, Government or Union Pension Plan Sponsor.  

Preqin:  Go to Search For-->Investors.  Click More Filters, and under Investor Type, select Private Pension Plan and/or Public Pension Plan.  Add more filters as desired.

Morningstar Direct

For earlier historical data, use print volumes of Money Market Directory of Pension Funds and Their Investment Managers

To Find Articles and News 

For articles and lists of the largest pension and retirement funds, search P&I's journal, Pensions & Investments.

Business Source Complete or ABI/Proquest : To find academic and news articles on retirement plans, use keywords “retirement plans” or "pension plans" and limit the search to the subject or abstract field. To narrow the search by location, add a geographic area (e.g., Netherlands) to the search and limit to geographic term. Other suggested subject terms include “defined contribution pension plans,” and “defined benefit pension plan.”

Find articles in other databases using HOLLIS.

Industry Associations

Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

Investment Company Institute (ICI)

Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI)