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Answered By: Meghan Dolan
Last Updated: May 15, 2024     Views: 176

Scaling Minority Businesses (SMB)

Where can I get started with research for my project assignment? 


Research Task

Suggested Resources


Consumer & Business Demographics

United States Census Bureau - Demographic characteristics, total population, social, and economic census data useful for determining market size.  Look at the American Community Survey for granular data relating to employment, transportation to work, housing, expenditures, etc.

US Census: Business & Economy - A wide range of variables that provide insight into Business and Owner Characteristics, Business Counts, and Business and Workforce Dynamics in the US.

Mapping Tools:

SimplyAnalytics - Generate tables and maps based upon desired United States data, including population, age, race, income, employment, and education.

Social Explorer-  Access census data for the United States through the use of interactive maps and reports. American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates (available down to the Census Block Group geography) data plus Social Explorer tables which include easy reports with age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, household relationship, place of birth, education, employment status, income, tenure, cost and value of housing, year structure built and other data.



American City Business Journals – see the Boston Business Journal and the Book of Lists for Boston. Content covers a wide range of industries and the Book of Lists includes “Largest Minority Owned Business in Massachusetts”.

Business Source Complete – Articles from academic journals, magazines, and trade publications, as well as current company, industry and region reports. Includes full-text of Harvard Business Review.

Factiva - For information on competitors and their products, search this database of business and news publications, trade journals, newswires (e.g., Dow Jones, Reuters), and media programs. 



LSEG Workspace – Best resource for analyst reports (buy-side equity research). Initiating coverage reports often provide good industry insight. For a multimedia learning module on LSEG Workspace check out our Learn with Baker Library LSEG Workspace Introduction.

IBISWorld - Reports include analysis of industry drivers, risk, market data and segments, competitors, and industry performance. US Industry Spotlight reports cover niche industries mostly comprised of small businesses.