Our FAQs have moved!

As of August 7, 2024, Baker Library's FAQs have moved to https://www.library.hbs.edu/services/help-center.  Please visit Baker's Help Center to find our research FAQs and send us your questions.  Thank you!

Answered By: Emilie Codega
Last Updated: May 09, 2024     Views: 602

Harvard Business Review: Executive Education Access

Detailed directions on how Executive Education participants (in programs with remote access to Baker Databases) can access Harvard Business Review. 


HBS Executive Education participants who have remote access to databases (see here for more information) can access Harvard Business Review (HBR) via Business Source Complete.  Guidance on how other Harvard affiliates (including MBAs, faculty and staff) can access is found here.  

  1. Make sure you are logged into Baker Library on the upper right hand side on the Baker Library home page.
  2. Go to Business Source Complete (if when you login you see a prompt for Harvard Key, go back and make sure you are logged into Baker Library).
  3. Select Business Searching Interface.  
  4. Once you are in the database you can either browse content or search directly.
  5. To search directly - Add the following to the search JN "Harvard Business Review" or JN "Harvard Business Review Digital Articles" and then add keywords or article title in the second line. 

Database search page


5. If you would like to browse content by issue go to Publications > Business Source Complete Publications> and search Harvard Business Review.  

6. Select Harvard Business Review and browse by issue.