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Answered By: Mallory Stark
Last Updated: May 09, 2024     Views: 206

Sustainability in the Transportation Industry

This is a part of Baker Library's Sustainability Research Guide.




Background Readings

Future of Mobility White Paper

Transportation is arguably experiencing its most transformative revolution since the introduction of the automobile. Concerns over climate change and equity are converging with dramatic technological advances. Although these changes – including shared mobility and automation – are rapidly altering the mobility landscape, predictions about the future of transportation are complex, nuanced, and widely debated. California is required by law to renew the California Transportation Plan (CTP), updating its models and policy considerations to reflect industry changes every five years. This document is envisioned as a reference for modelers and decision makers. It aggregates current information and research on the state of key trends and emerging technologies/services, documented impacts on California’s transportation ecosystem, and future growth projections (as appropriate).

Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a Competitive and Resource Efficient Transport System

This 2011 white paper provides a roadmap of 40 concrete initiatives which the European Commission adopted for the next decade to build a competitive transport system to increase mobility, remove major barriers in key areas and fuel growth and employment. At the same time, the proposals were intended to dramatically reduce Europe's dependence on imported oil and cut carbon emissions in transport by 60% by 2050. The complete white paper may downloaded here. The European Commission is working on a comprehensive Strategy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility. The Strategy was announced as part of the European Green Deal, and is scheduled for release before the end of 2020. It will supersede the 2011 Transport White Paper as the European Commission’s vision for transport.

An Integrated Perspective on the Future of Mobility

What, then, will be the future of urban mobility? An Integrated Perspective on the Future of Mobility which was a collaboration between Bloomberg New Energy Finance and McKinsey, seeks to answer that question. To do so, it explores how a number of existing social, economic, and technological trends will work together to disrupt mobility at the local level.

Resources for topical research within transportation

The databases below are useful for identifying current research on all aspects of sustainability and  transportation including engineering; social and economic; business and management.

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