Our FAQs have moved!

As of August 7, 2024, Baker Library's FAQs have moved to https://www.library.hbs.edu/services/help-center.  Please visit Baker's Help Center to find our research FAQs and send us your questions.  Thank you!

Answered By: Austin Haley
Last Updated: May 13, 2024     Views: 138

Market Perspectives

Where can I find resources for my paper or project?


Sources for U.S. Economic Data

Economic Reports

Literature and article resources:

Academic Search Premier - a multi-disciplinary database that provides access to full text material from over 8,000 journals. 

Google Scholar - is a specialized search engine optimized for locating scholarly and academic material. The "Find It @ Harvard" button will automatically appear with search results when Google Scholar is accessed from our page.

EconLit - is a comprehensive, indexed bibliography with selected abstracts of the world's economic literature. Select the "Find It @ Harvard" link to access the full-text article.

JSTOR - Full-text access to business/economics/finance journals, some dating back to late 1800's.

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working papers are accessible through Harvard's subscription to Social Science Research Network.

And don't forget the HOLLIS catalog
This resource searches across our print and online collections. Search strategies:

  • HOLLIS allows you to limit the date range of materials (see the slider at the left side of the results screen)
  • When searching for books, you can limit the results by library location (ex: Baker Library). 
  • Within each individual record, use the "Locations and Availability" tab to link to a full-text article or find the call number for a book 
  • For in-depth HOLLIS+ help, see the HOLLIS+ Quick Tips research guide

(Note that ABI and JSTOR content is included in HOLLIS, but Business Source Complete and EconLit content is not.)

Please email infoservices@hbs.edu with any questions or to setup a research consultation.