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Answered By: Poping Lin
Last Updated: May 13, 2024     Views: 2116

Patent search: A comparative table of databases

What are the major patent databases and which one should I use?


Google Patents is a good place to begin. It covers full text patents from major patent offices worldwide and is particularly helpful for a quick identification of patent classification codes. However, it might not give you analytical solutions.

The following resource suggestions include two parts: patent databases our library subscribe, and some commonly used patent authorities' databases that are open.to the public.

Databases that requires HBS or HUKey login:

  • PatentSight: a patent database/analytics solution that allows patent quality analysis based on the Patent Assets Index Methodology. Such an analysis helps tech driven companies gain valuable insights into the strength and relative value of patents and patent portfolios. It informs decision makers and patent experts with advanced analytics in the fields of benchmarking, R&D strategy, Finding trends, M&A, licensing, and portfolio optimization. Benefit from great efficiency, profitability and fun to use. See Patent Analytics with Patentsight: 101 for quick instructions. 

Other databases with subject/disciplinary focused patent data:

  • Cortellis: pharmaceutical focused (HBS MBA students only. Access is available to HBS AND HU students, staff and faculty onsite at Baker Library (users must be logged in by Baker staff).
  • Pitchbook: patent data related to Pitchbook covered companies (HUKey and individual account set up required)
  • SciFinder:  chemistry and chemical engineering. (HUKey required)
  • Web of Science: provides patents that are associated with articles covered in Web of Science via cited reference search. (see a quick instruction) (HUKey required)

Commonly used patent authorities databases:

USPTO Databases
Seven steps search strategy (A quick introduction for beginners)




USPTO Patent Search (1790 -) 

Full text of US granted patents

USPTO Patent Application Search (2001-) 

US patent applications  

  • Quick search, advanced search, and number search 

Patent Assignment (1980 -) 

US patent ownership changes for issued patents and published patent applications

  • Specific patent number search, assignor search, assignee search, and correspondent name search 

Public PAIR  

US application status data since publication 

  • Specific application number search  


Global Dossier  

Full-text patent documents with examiner's comments through all stages of patenting process.  Includes patent records from Canadian, China, European, Japan, Korean, US, and WIPO 

  • Real-time one-stop-shop service for monitoring and managing patent examination process 
  • Application number, patent number and pre-grant number search 
  • “Global Dossier” link also included in patent records of EspaceNet and Patentscope databases 
  • Note: It may take up to eight weeks from the national publication date before documents are available in the Dossier. 

Other major patent databases 




Espacenet (1836 -) 
Tutorial for beginners 

European and international, (including US);
Includes both patents and applications;
Link to full-text via Global Dossier

  • Smart search, advanced and classification search 
  • Quick help and translation tool are available 
  • Note: there is no way search exclusively for granted patents (or filter your search results). Must examine each record in your search individually.

Patentscope (1976-) 

Full-text of international patent applications received by WIPO

  • Simple and advanced search, field combination search, cross lingual expansion, and chemical compound search 
  • Basic tool for analyzing search results
  • Quick help and translation tools are very useful 
  • IPC statistics (global patent activity reports) 


Please contact infoservices@hbs.edu for specific search support.