Our FAQs have moved!

As of August 7, 2024, Baker Library's FAQs have moved to https://www.library.hbs.edu/services/help-center.  Please visit Baker's Help Center to find our research FAQs and send us your questions.  Thank you!

Answered By: Cynthia Churchwell
Last Updated: May 15, 2024     Views: 1821

Resources for Harvard Economics Students

A series of resources, tips and FAQs to support Harvard economics doctoral students, senior thesis writers and econ concentrators navigating Baker Library financial data resources.  


Which databases can I use remotely? 

Capital IQ

Individual account required. Data on public and private companies, investment firms, capital transactions, and people. Provides sophisticated retrieval and personalization tools to create numerous reports. An active account can be used to download the Capital IQ excel plug-in.  For a multimedia learning module on Capital IQ check out our Learn with Baker Library Capital IQ Introduction. 


Individual account required.  A comprehensive platform used to analyze financial data from global equity and fixed income markets, and public and private companies. Used in the financial sector for financial data and modeling. 


This company database is unique in its breadth of geographies and extent of companies covered as well as availability of private company financial information (depending on the country in which the company is located.) Think of Orbis when you want to:

  • Get extensive data about a company including locations of subsidiaries
  • Screen for companies based on geography, financial performance, industry, deals, ownership structure, number of employees, year of incorporation and other criteria.
  • Compare a company to its competitors along multiple dimensions.

WRDS (Wharton Research Data Service) 

Provides access to financial databases through a uniform, web-based interface. Databases include Compustat, CRSP, OptionMetrics, Trade & Quotes (TAQ) and more. Here is the complete list of databases available to the Harvard Community via WRDS. See WRDS Fast Answers for more information. 

Which databases can I use in person at Baker Library? 


Current and historical financial information is available here on individual equities, stock market indices, fixed-income securities, currencies, commodities, and futures for both international and domestic markets. Bloomberg also provides company profiles and financial statements, analysts' forecasts, news on worldwide financial markets, and audio and video interviews and presentations by key players in business and finance. Please be cognizant of data download limits (see below for more information). 


Historical, global coverage of equities, stock markets, commodities, futures, currencies, options, bond markets, company financials, and economic data. The database is updated daily, and historical equity information goes back as far as 1973, though coverage varies across countries and types of content. Sources include national governments, OECD, EIU, IMF, Worldscope, and Morgan Stanley Capital (MSCI).

Morningstar Direct

Multi-currency research platform that provides asset sizes, fund flows, performance and holdings analysis, particularly in regards to open-end mutual funds. Also Includes data on closed-end funds, equity ownership, exchange traded funds, hedge funds, market indexes, money market funds, offshore funds, pension/life insurance (variable annuities), stocks and 529 plans.

LSEG Workspace

Features market quotes, earnings estimates, financial fundamentals, press releases, transaction data, corporate filings, ownership profiles and research. Note that analyst reports from several highly ranked investment firms are not included in our LSEG Workspace access (ex. Sanford Bernstein, Goldman Sachs). For a multimedia learning module on LSEG Workspace check out our Learn with Baker Library LSEG Workspace Introduction.


This deal database provides detailed information on new issues, mergers and acquisitions, syndicated loans, and more for the global financial marketplace.


Which databases have download limits and why should I care?

Bloomberg has monthly and daily data limits. One click in Excel can wipe out data access for the month! As a consideration to your own work and fellow students, talk with Baker Librarians before beginning a large data collection project in Bloomberg. 

Most other databases do not have data download limits, although downloading an enormous amount of data can be problematic.  Please contact Baker Librarians to discuss an effective approach to your project.  We are happy to help and suggest alternatives if required.