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Answered By: Mallory Stark
Last Updated: May 21, 2024     Views: 1087

Transforming Health Care Delivery

Where can I find information to help me with my course work?


Research task

Good for finding...                  

Suggested Resources

Company Analysis

Background information on project sponsors

Executive bios 

Size of organization, i.e., number of employees, revenue

Capital IQ - Public and private companies and nonprofit organizations.

GuideStar Pro - Information about the missions, programs, and finances of more than 1.7 million nonprofit organizations.

CB Insights and Industry Analytics - Tracks global venture capital, angel investment, private equity, M&A, and IPO activity related to private companies.

Industry and Market Research


Market reports on healthcare products and services including medical devices, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.

Relevant topics covered include:

-digital health

-targeted therapy

-computer assisted surgery

-cloudbased healthcare


Frost & Sullivan - health care market research emphasizing science/technology that is ready for commercialization

BCC - in-depth market research reports on many sectors within health care and life sciences.

Technavio- global market reports on health care sectors such as pharmaceutical, therapeutics, biotechnology and medical imaging


Articles and News


Articles on topics related to healthcare delivery; for example:

-home hospital

-accountable care organization model

-mental health models

-patient referrals

-health care delivery systems

-scheduling optimization

-care coordination

ABI/ProQuest and Business Source Complete - primary article databases for academic and professional management journals including Health Affairs, Harvard Business Review

Factiva- primary article database for news from thousands of news publications worldwide

Pubmed - primary database for journal articles that focus on the study and practice of medicine. 

Health Business Fulltext Elite - journal articles on all aspects of health care administration and other non-clinical aspects of health care management.

Google Scholar - specialized search engine optimized for locating scholarly and academic material licensed by Harvard covering all disciplines. The FIND IT @ Harvard button will automatically appear with search results.



Books and journal titles on all aspects of the health care, life sciences and pharmaceutical sectors HOLLIS - catalog of information about books (including location) in the collections of all Harvard Libraries.  Use "Request Item" link to have books from other Harvard libraries sent to Baker.

 Additional Resources:

Baker Library Health Care Research Guide